Sunday, July 10, 2016


During the night around 4am I had to go to the bathroom.  It is very cold at night and these decisions are not taken lightly. The first step is to find your shoes in the dark, grab a flash light, poke your head outside the door and scan the woods in front of you.  You want to make sure nobodies eyes our looking back at you.  You have to look 3 times before having the courage to go outside.

I thought I heard a wolf out in the distance.  I froze in my steps hoping to hear it again.  And I did!  Holy crap!  The wolves are howling.  I tried to peacefully wake everybody up to this exciting development.  pssst wolves.  pssssst wolves.  PSSSSSST WOLVES!  Nobody was getting up. Their bellies were full and they were snug and warm in their 40 degree sleeping bags.  I crawled back in my sleeping bag and smiled thanking God for an awesome day.

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